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Expand Your Knowledge With Our CyberSecure Canada Online Courses

CSC & CSC NFP Partners & Supporters

Courses Each course that aligns with a control also starts with a video intro and explains the standard requirements and what exactly the auditors are looking for.


Prepare for the modules

Before beginning our training, we highly recommend that you complete the government’s eLearning series on CyberSecure Canada Certification – eLearning (


Intro – Data Protection & Loss Prevention

This is an intro course that covers the importance of data protection, risk assessment, data protection techniques, and data loss prevention solutions. It also includes exercises and case studies.


Incident Response Plan

This course explains what a cyber incident is, the importance of having an incident response plan, and how to create and maintain one, and discusses cyber insurance and provides an example of an incident response plan.


Automatically Patch Operating Systems & Apps

This course covers patching, digital asset catalogues, auto patching, and the importance of keeping software and hardware up to date.


Enable Security Software

This course focuses on malware, built-in security software for Microsoft and macOS, and understanding and configuring anti-malware.


Securely Configure Devices

This course discusses how to securely configure devices, hardening guidelines, and best practices for maintaining secure device configurations.


Use Strong User Authentication

This course covers multi-factor authentication, password policies, password managers, and best practices for managing MFA.


Backup and Encrypt Data

This course explains backups and encryption, their importance, what to back up, where to keep backups, and encrypting backups.


Establish Basic Perimeter Defences

This course covers network security, firewalls, secure Wi-Fi, network segmentation, DMARC, encryption, and email filtering.


Implement Access Control and Authorization

This course discusses least privilege access, user accounts, centralized authorization control systems, and identity and access management systems.


Secure Mobility

This course covers device ownership types, separation of work and personal data, mobile device management, VPN for public networks, and trusted sources.


Secure Cloud and Outsourced IT Services

This course discusses AICPA SSAE 18 reports, risk tolerance, MFA for cloud admin accounts, secure communication between IT infrastructure and cloud services, and due diligence.


Secure Websites

This course introduces the OWASP Top 10, ASVS levels, vulnerability scanning tools, and best practices for secure websites. 


Secure Portable Media

This course covers portable media, encryption, sanitization and destruction of portable media, and best practices for securing portable media. 


Point of sale (POS) and Financial Systems

This course discusses the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), POS terminals, POS security risks, and best practices for securing POS terminals. 


Computer Security Log Management

This course covers logging, log management, types of logs, components of a logging system, log collection and storage, and log management best practices.


Final Exam

Final exam containing questions from each course.


Training aligned with the CyberSecure Canada Standard

At CSC NFP, we recognized the pressing demand for robust cybersecurity measures in today’s digital landscape. In response, we’ve meticulously developed training programs aligned with CyberSecure standards, ensuring our clients are equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the online world safely and confidently and have the knowledge to become CyberSecure Canada Certified.

Frequently Asked Questions

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